Our Story & Our Vision
Optima Publishing began its life as the publishing arm of Optima Foundation (www.optimafoundation.org). Optima Foundation exists to support young children in need around the world.
To fulfil its legal and compliance obligations, Optima Publishing has been incorporated in the UK as a private limited company since 2012 (08278053).
Optima Publishing (2012) Ltd is now a freestanding publishing house.
While ‘Optima Publishing’ is a general publisher, our focus is on societal, academic, and inspirational books suitable for children and adults.
For avid readers!
While there are many book publishers, both large and small, worldwide, we as a small publishing house are hoping to provide our readers with exciting and ‘timeless’ books at affordable prices.
Our vision is simple!
We want to stimulate your interest by offering you some exciting books to read!